The Object Of The Contract Is The Drafting Of A Construction Project That Includes The Necessary Actions To Contain The T=10, T=100 And T=500 Year Return Period Avenues That May Affect The Right Bank Of The Segre River In The Area Urban Area Of ​​Lleida. This Project Must Contain: - Compilation And Analysis Of Existing Studies - General Design Criteria - Topographical Work (To Be Carried Out By The Successful Bidder) - Geotechnical Works (To Be Carried Out By The Successful Bidder) - Hydraulic Calculations - Development And Study Of Alternatives - Calculation Of Structures (To Be Carried Out By The Successful Tenderer) - And The Documents Of A Regular Construction Project (Services Affected, Traffic. Organization Of Works, Safety And Health...) And Those Documents Established By The Current Regulations - Processing Of 'Reports With The Competent Bodies. The Contract Includes Both The Study Of The Structures That Must Be Located On Land Owned By The Municipality, As Well As The Study Of The Necessary Actions To Be Carried Out On Privately Owned Elements (Such As Canal Gates) And The Calculations To Ensure The Viability Of The Action.