notice_summary_english: Detailed Design & Construction Supervision Services (DnS) for Tonga North Islands Group Healthcare Facilities Reference No: TO-MOH-449646-CS-QCBS The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Kingdom of Tonga is expected to receive financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Health Enhancement and Resiliency in Tonga Project (HEART) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include the “Detailed Design & Supervision Services for Tonga North Islands Group Healthcare Facilities” to perform the following tasks in 3 Phases, but not limited to: PHASE 1: Pre-Design Assessments & Studies for Northern Islands (Lump-Sum, 12 Months) Master Planning 7+ hectares of the Prince Wellington Ngu Hospital (PWNH) site for the next 10 years of development; Performing rapid and detailed assessments of 24 existing buildings at PWNH; Preparing Environmental and Social due diligence documents for Project Component 2; Assessing, planning, and preparing medical equipment/supply specifications and bid documents for PWNH and Northern Island CHCs and Nursing Clinics in Vava’u and Niua Island Group (6 facilities); Assessing ICT and digital connectivity for PWNH and Northern Island CHCs and Nursing Clinic in Vava’u and Niua Island Group (6 facilities and including Vaiola Hospital in Nuku’alofa); PHASE 2: Detailed Design of PWNH Hospital Facility (Lump-Sum, 15 months) Providing detailed architectural and engineering studies, design, costings, plan, and prepare bid documents for a new 3600sqm hospital and new medical staff quarters at PWNH & the upgrade, retrofit, and/or strengthening of select existing buildings at PWNH; Preparing Operations & Maintenance plans; Providing Procurement Support; PHASE 3: Construction Supervision and Monitoring of PWNH facility (Time-Based, not to exceed a maximum, 24 months) Providing construction supervision and monitoring services for the development of PWNH. The total level
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