notice_summary_english: This NPP is issued pursuant to PWGSC Supply Arrangement (SA) # E60PQ-120001/H and covers a requirement from the following product categories of the SA: Rotary chairs. Public Services and Procurement Canada has a requirement for the purchase of office seating, for delivery and installation between 2025-06-01 and 2025-07-01 to Ottawa, ON. This NPP covers a requirement to be solicited amongst the PSIB Stream (SA holders). There are security requirement associated with the requirement. local_title: EP581-250044 - PSIB Office Seating notice_contract_type: Supply local_description: This NPP is issued pursuant to PWGSC Supply Arrangement (SA) # E60PQ-120001/H and covers a requirement from the following product categories of the SA: Rotary chairs. Public Services and Procurement Canada has a requirement for the purchase of office seating, for delivery and installation between 2025-06-01 and 2025-07-01 to Ottawa, ON. This NPP covers a requirement to be solicited amongst the PSIB Stream (SA holders). There are security requirement associated with the requirement.
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