JORDAN - Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ)

Acheteur principale Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement

Informations générales

Nom de l'organisation JORDAN - Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ)
Pays d'éxecution Jordan
Description Established in 1983 as an autonomous, centralised corporate body with financial and administrative independence. It is responsible for public water supply and wastewater services, as well as for water resources planning and monitoring, construction, operations and maintenance. The WAJ created and owns the utilities, Miyahuna, Aqaba Water Company and Yarmouk Water Company.
Type d'acheteur Government Organization
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Coordonnées principales

Nom Asma Wahadneh
Titre Assistant Secretary General for Assets and tenders affairs
Adresse Water Authority of Jodrdan -Shemisani PO Box 5012,Amman,00962
Téléphone + 962 6 5652262
Site Internet

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